Strategic Thinking for Everyone

With over 170 hours of videos and more than 650 easy-to-follow modules, we make in-depth Six Sigma training and certification affordable.

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Actionable Training

Providing the most in-depth,
online training experience.

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Interesting Quizzes

Randomly generated quizzes,
from a pool of 3,500 questions.

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Premium Material

170+ hours of training videos,
covering every aspect of 6σ.

Our Most Popular Courses

New to quality management?
Start off with our FREE Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certification Course.


Be in Demand with Our Professional Training

Whether you are looking for a promotion or even a whole new career,
improve your resume with our FREE Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certification!


Nicholas Clark — Founder & CEO

#1. Build Relevant Skills

Lean SIx SIgma is all about reducing waste and improve the quality of the processes within your organization.


#2. Get The Right Path From The Best Learning Platform

Using the same techniques we teach, we are able to provide everyone with an in-depth training program.


#3. Learn From The Professionals

Nicholas Clark has two decades of experience and has written more than 14 books on personal and professional development.

What Our Students Have to Say


Melvin Johnson – CLSSGB

Nicholas practices what he teaches and his use of short videos makes it easy to comprehend the program.

Zasha SwanCLSSWB

I was amazed at how much information I learned just from taking the White Belt course

Juvelyn Mercado – CLSSYB

I was looking for a promotion and adding a Six Sigma certification to my resume gave me the advantage I needed.

Kian Llido – CLSSGB

I wanted to implement Six SIgma in my business, but live training was cost prohibited, but, now we can train all our employees

Join Our 2487 Happy Students​ Today!

Whether you are looking for a promotion or a new job, adding a Six Sigma certification to your resume will give you the advantage you need
to stand out in the crowd.